Pile Foundation (Expert Course)
What you'll learn
Brief on Pile foundation, Practical approach and Project on Pile foundation, and Comparison of actual case studies- Pile foundation vs Well foundation.
An extensive course on Pile foundation covering all the basic learning one has got through the textbooks of Foundation Engineering. The course covers the basic as well as deep learning required by graduates, practicing Geotechnical Engineers and Consultants.
Course Objectives and Outcomes:
In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in Foundation Engineering.
This course will be helpful for Practicing Engineers, Consultants, Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, Researchers, Industry Specialist, Lab Instructors, and a wide array of Geotechnical Design Engineers.
The course covers relevant topics from Foundation Engineering and gives you an insight on various topics in detail.
This course addresses various types of Pile foundation, Classification of Pile Foundation, Pile load capacity in compression, Pile in Granular soils (sand), Piles in Clay, Numericals on Pile Foundation, Group action of Piles, free-standing Pile, Ultimate load capacity of pile group, Pile Group in Sand and clay, Numericals on Pile Group in Sand and clay, Group Efficiency of Piles, Group Settlement Ratio, Settlement of Pile Group in clay, Settlement of Pile Group in Sand, Numericals on Settlement of pile group.
The student will be able to design the pile foundation based on theories explained in the course module.
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