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The Complete Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass Course

Personal Development

21/7/20, 4:30 pm

Interviewing Skills To Land Your Next Job - Never Be Nervous Again - Ace Your Interview - Prepare for Any Question




What you'll learn

  • How To communicate effectively during a job interview

  • How to prepare for job interviews

  • How to follow up after job interivews

  • How to Increase your odds of getting a job offer

  • How to deal with tough questions during a job interview


Interviewing skills are the difference between getting the appointment for the job interview versus getting the job offer. Great job interviewing skills are essential if you want the best jobs in today’s competitive job market.

Does the prospect of going into a strange room and answering questions form one or more strangers for 30-60 minutes and then having your entire career decided intimidate you or make you nervous? You can become a master on interviewing skills.

Imagine walking into a job interview know that you will look and sound your best. You are completely confident that you you can speak in a compelling and understanding manner. You know that you have great messages, examples and stories about your experiences and experiences that the interview will find as compelling reasons as to why you are a great fit for this job. When you walk out of the interview you know that you did your very best, that the interviewer understands and respects your unique talents. Regardless of whether you get the job, you know you did the very best you could possibly do in the job interview and you make the best case possible as to why you should be hire.

“For more than 30 years I have coached executives on their interviewing skills and presentation skills in the corporate world. I’m here to tell you that nobody is a natural at this. Job interviewing skills is something that anyone can learn but that nobody is born with. I have a simple, step-by-step process that will help you build confidence and skill in communicating effectively in job interviews. I can’t guarantee you will get every job offer, but I can assure you that I will help you come across your very best in every interview.”

TJ Walker, Instructor

Please note: This course is not an “information product.” This interview skills course is not “passive income” for the creator. This course is designed for students who are serious about getting good at their interviewing skills and are willing to practice on video. TJ Walker assigns homework and personally gives detailed critiques on the interviewing skills of each and every student after they post their videos.

Please note: this is an interviewing skills course on how to speak effectively while on a job interview. It is taught by a world-class speaking expert who demonstrates how to speak effectively in a job interview by speaking directly to students. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, special effects, music and sound effects, then this course is not for you.


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