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Personal Finance Crash Course: Maximize Your Income

Personal Development

28/6/20, 6:44 am

Take the first step towards financial well being by increasing your income




What you'll learn

  • How to understand your paystub and where your money goes.

  • How to identify mistakes on a paystub.

  • How to put more money in your pocket sooner by avoiding a tax refund.

  • The differences between health insurance plans and how to compare and contrast.

  • How life insurance works and how to determine if you need it.

  • The many benefits your employer may offer and how to take full advantage of them.

  • How to further your education (cheaply) to bring additional value to your company or organization.

  • How to seek opportunities to invest in yourself.

  • How negotiating your starting salary can lead to tens or thousands of additional dollars in income over your lifetime.

  • A realistic approach to thinking about side income and how to go about getting a side hustle.


This course offers a crash course introduction into a variety of ways you can maximize your income. Presented in a simple and down-to-earth manner, we will go over your paystub, how to avoid a tax refund, understanding health insurance and other benefits, opportunities to increase your earning potential, and a realistic strategy to approach side hustles. This course is designed to present useful and practical information in short, informal sections. There are no "get rich quick" schemes, no "but wait, there's more" moments...just a thoughtful and informed approach to maximizing your information taught and explained by a high school economics teacher. A large emphasis is placed on developing the mindsets and skills needed to maximize your income as opposed to providing bite-sized tidbits of facts or knowledge.


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