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PERIODIC TABLE: Classification of Elements - JEE/NEET
What you'll learn
All the REQUIRED Knowledge from Basic-level to Expert-level of Periodic Table
(S, P, D, F) Block Elements in Periodic Table
Periodic Trends in Property of Elements
In this course you will learn about the Periodic Table.
1) How did the 
Classification of Elements Started.
2) How did we get our Modern Periodic Table.
3) brief classification of 
Elements with respect to 4 different Blocks Which is S Block, P Block, D Block & F Block Elements.
4) You will study for 5 Important 
i) Atomic Radius.
ii) Ionic Radius.
iii) Ionization enthalpy.
iv) Electron gain enthalpy.
v) Electro Negativity.
4) Anomalous Trend in second order 
5) Periodic Trends with 
Chemical Reactivity.
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