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Operations Management: Facilities Planning and Management


23/6/20, 11:54 am

Operations Management Training Program (Course 8 of 8)




What you'll learn

  • Recognize examples of internal and external customers of facilities management.

  • Identify the definition of churn.

  • Match types of organizations with their typical facilities management style.

  • Sequence the process to develop a strategic plan for facilities management.

  • Identify the most common factors to consider when deciding the location for a facility.

  • Recognize examples of Fixed Position, Process-oriented, and Production-oriented layouts.

  • Identify the major factors influencing general area location and particular site location planning decisions in service organizations.

  • Identify the key environmental factors that should be kept in consideration when planning layout in services environment.


The  course on Facilities Planning and Management is part of the Operations Management Training Program which includes a number of eight sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience.

Real estate and equipment are major corporate investments. That's one reason why facilities management is important. Acquiring, managing, and disposing of these expensive assets in the company's best interests is vital to business success.

Facilities management encompasses financial planning, architectural and engineering services, and space management. It's integral to corporate strategy – for example, whether the strategy is to expand or contract. And it's also important because it helps create a productive and safe work environment.

Facilities managers are responsible for satisfying the expectations of many different clients, both internal and external. They help make key decisions about location and layout of facilities to minimize disruption and cost. There are different facilities management styles available that are dependent on the size of the organization, the number of locations, and whether the organization is public or private.

But whatever the organization, robust strategies must be developed if facilities are to be managed efficiently and effectively.

This course addresses the basics of facilities management:

  • you'll learn about what facilities managers do and why their job is important,

  • you'll learn about the different styles of facilities management and about the process of developing a facilities management strategic plan,

  • you'll be introduced to relevant factors for choosing a business location and selecting an organizational layout, and

  • you'll learn about location and layout considerations applying specifically to service organizations.

This course will equip you with a basic understanding of the principles of facilities management. This can help you better realize how effective facilities management can contribute to business success.

That’s it! Now go ahead and push that “Take this course” button, and see you on the inside!


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