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Goal Setting, Set, Organize & Reach Your Goals in 2020

Personal Development

13/7/20, 8:19 am

Step-by-Step Course For Organizing Your Life, Setting Goals Being More Productive & Monitor Your Progress W/ Trello 2020




What you'll learn

  • Write really compelling goals that will drive them towards success

  • Create and define goals for success

  • How To discover Your Goals

  • The difference between a Goal and a dream

  • How to Prioritize your goals

  • How to Make your goals SMART

  • How to Put your goals in action

  • How to Create your tasks list

  • How to Use Trello to organise your tasks

  • How to Monitor your progress

  • Map out a yearly-monthly-weekly-daily goal plan


A Simple, Step-by-Step System For Organizing Your Life, Being More Productive & Achieving Your Dreams

Goals! Everyone talks about creating goals, but often these goals are impromptu New Years’ resolutions, empty promises, or simply good intentions without any thought or planning.

When it comes to Goal Achievement, most of the time, people ask themselves, What are they’re doing wrong that keeps their Drams and Goals Far From being achieved.

Now there is nothing wrong with having dreams, after all, if you don’t have one, how can it become a reality.

But dreams are very different from Goals and goal achievement. I have heard it being said before, and its a line I borrow often when working with people, Goals are dreams in action. That is, a goal, is a dream with direction, that is measurable and thought out. So that is what this course is about. This course is About Discovering, writing and planning your goals, its about goal achievement, or putting your dreams in action so that you can achieve whatever you desire in life.

If you’re ready to quit procrastinating and ignoring your goals, if you want to take immediate actions to improve your life, and if you’re willing to do the hard work success requires, let’s get started right now in this course.


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