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Git & GitHub Crash Course: Let’s GIT it on Git Hub!

Development & IT

27/7/20, 4:58 am

Git & GitHub 3 hours Crash Course - Learn the key concepts and Workflow of Git and Git Hub: STEP by STEP tutorial!




What you'll learn

  • Understand some "Common Problems" developers face

  • Learn what is Version Control System (VCS)

  • Download & Install Git Source Control System

  • Create "First Git Project" (Initialize a Git Repository)

  • Learn the key concepts of "Git Basic Workflow"

  • Understand the difference between "Untracked" and "Tracked" files

  • 3 stages: Working Directory - Staging Area - Repository

  • Learn Git Common Commands - "status", "add", "commit", "log"

  • Review Changes using "git diff"

  • Remove a file from Git Repository

  • Introduction to GitHub [Remote Version Control System]

  • Create a GitHub account

  • Configure Remote GitHub repository with Local Git

  • PUSH Local Repository to GitHub Repository

  • Creating New Repository on GitHub

  • Clone, Fork and Pull

  • GitHub: Raw, Blame, and History

  • GitHub: Watch, Star and Fork

  • GitHub Issues & Labels

  • Branch & Merge


This course is a CRASH COURSE that will help you to get started with Git and GitHub.

Whether you're a student, a web developer, or even some experienced software engineer - you may find this course useful and learn some new developer essentials.

Here are some of the things we're going to cover up in this course:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1. Common Problems Programmer Face (2 main scenarios - no version control, no collaboration) - 10 minutes.

2. What is a VCS? - 4 minutes.

Chapter 2 - Git Essentials

1. Download & Install (covering "git version", "git help", "git help <command>") - 8 minutes.

2. Configuring basic git information (name+email) - 3 minutes.

3. Creating First Git Project (creating a project directory, "git init", "git status", talk about ".git" directory - 6 minutes.

4. Basic Workflow of Git (creating new "hello_world" file, "tracked vs untracked", "3 stages", "git add", "git commit", "git log") - 13 minutes.

5. Basic Workflow of Git - Additional Practice (working with additional files in the project, modifying files, "git add ." - 10 minutes.

6. Reviewing Changes (diff "working directory" VS "last commit", "git diff") - 6 minutes.

7. Removing a file from git repository ("git ls-files", "git rm <file>", "git rm <file1> <file2>..., "git rm -r <dir>") - 10 minutes.

Chapter 3 - First Steps with GitHub

1. Why we need Remote Version Control System? - 3 minutes.

2. Collaboration Importance - 4 minutes.

3. What is GitHub? Choosing RVCS! - 6 minutes.

Chapter 4 - Getting Started with GitHub

1. Creating a GitHub Account - 2 minutes.

2. Configuring Remote GitHub Repository with Git - 3 minutes.

Chapter 5 - Working with GitHub

1. Push Local Repository to GitHub.

2. Creating a New Repository on GitHub.

3. Clone, fork, and Pull.

4. Raw, Blame, and History.

5. Watch and Star.

6. GitHub Issues & Labels.

7. ".gitignore".

8.  Branch & Merge.

9. Conflict Resolution.


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